IDEA Lab in the news
IDEA Lab research in the news
- September 2020: All the news after September 2020 has moved to the AI2ES in the News page
- July 2020: Weathering Environmental Change Through Advances in AI
- September 2019: IDEA Alumni David Gagne is quoted in the news and current idea members Amy McGovern and Ryan Lagerquist also quoted in one of the articles about his work
- July 2019: Twitter thread about Ryan Lagerquist and Amy McGovern’s recent WAF paper
- April 2019: Meteorologists predict better weather forecasting with AI
- August 2017: How machine learning could help to improve climate forecasts
- July 2017: Fine-Tuning Severe Hail Forecasting with Machine Learning
- April 2017: Our hail research is profiled by News 7’s show the Fifth Season
- Link to their video
- Our copy of the video (in case the above link isn’t live)
- April 2017: Video game lets kids play with the weather
- January 2017: Science video: It’s a twister–of data!
- October 2016: News Story: Tornadogenesis
- March 2012: Science Video: Game Changer Research Aims To Forecast Tornadoes
- The REU students from the summer of 2013 (David Harrison, Andrea Balfour, Marissa Beene) created a free education iPad app called Storm Evader that received a lot of press recently. The app is available on the iTunes store for any iPad!
- Link to download the app
- Press release from OU
- Video on Science Now
- Highlight to NSF
- The Norman Transcript:
- The Fox 25 article (with video embedded)
- The Fox 25 video (in case it is gone from the above URL)
- The Fox 25 article as a pdf
- The OU daily (student newspaper for OU) also covered the story
- We were featured in the XSEDE/NICS news for two articles:
- We appeared in the International Science Grid This Week in the article Five ways to anticipate natural disasters.
- Our NSF Highlight featured on can be found here
- We were featured in NSF’s Science Nation here.
- We were featured in an NSF discoveries item here.
- We were featured in the TeraGrid news here
- Our 2011 NSF Highlights can be found here
- Our 2010 NSF highlight can be found here